Thursday, January 10, 2013

Longread #231 --Lawmakers Gone Wild -- 1/10/13

It's no secret that there's a lot of corruption in politics in Illinois. But while we usually assume this is happening as a result of winks, nods, and murky cash transactions, this article actually shows that much of the influence-peddling occurs legally and out in the open. Because of the vague nature of the state's campaign regulations, people in office have almost free reign to spend campaign funds even for items that seem remarkably extravagant or unnecessary.

"Lawmakers Gone Wild" by David Bernstein and the Better Government Association
Published in Chicago Magazine, January 2013


1 comment:

  1. when i started to read this i thought "why does it matter, let them do was they want with the money." then when i stopped being bitter that Chicago is so f'n corrupt and thought about it i realized "oh yea this is how you buy politicians." it's pretty remarkable that this is allowed to take place. it also makes it easy to see why thing in IL never get passed, we have one of the largest debts and can't agree on how to reform a pension system that will bankrupt the state. at least the blackhawks are back
