Friday, February 1, 2013

Longread #247 -- Hacking the President's DNA -- 2/1/13

Today's longread is another look at how evolving technology creates new threats. While I think there is certainly an argument for why this is a danger that should be considered, I also detected a distinct sense of paranoia among the analysts worried about this type of attack. I don't want to dismiss it completely, but it struck me as perhaps overstating the likelihood of a genetic bioweapon.

"Hacking the President’s DNA" by Andrew Hessel, Marc Goodman, and Steven Kotler
Published in the Atlantic, November 2012



  1. Seems a bit far fetched though possible...only made it about half way through couldn't fully hold my attention. There are too many qualifications such as the very beginning "though there are some major leaps" well can't discount those leaps.

  2. My thoughts exactly. I felt that the article raised some interesting points about directions that weapons could go in the future, but it felt like it had to trump up the likelihood of those in order to make it really feel weighty. The end result was some pretty out-there hypotheticals.

    Nevertheless, I'd rather be proactively thinking about this kind of challenge proactively rather than reactively, at least so long as we're not pumping billions into defense contracts about it.


  3. Recent reports indicate that I have an average-sized head.
