Thursday, April 3, 2014

Longread #461 -- Is it OK to make art? -- 4/3/14

Lots to think about with this one...

"Is it OK to make art?" by Rhys Southan
Published in Aeon Magazine, March 20, 2014


1 comment:

  1. I've wrestled with this for many, many years. Overall, I think this article forgets that humans can do more than one activity with their lives.

    The argument is also interesting because for artists, a lot of their quality of life comes from making art. Take art away from them, and they'll feel that they are living a life of poverty.

    Also, what happens when everyone on Earth is living a comfortable life? Will art still be banned?

    I understand where he's coming from, but I worry that he (and the EA's) see life too black and white. Using this mentality, he also is making a few arguments within the article (what is self-serving art vs. what is worthwhile art? Do artists feel they are above the suffering since they are cool?) that are in conflict and weaken the main argument.

    Life is long, and paradoxical. By spending 100% of our time helping people not as well off, then we take away our own quality of life.

    In the end, it's really important to consider these ideas, but I think it is the balance of many things that leads to a well-lived life of both personal contentment and sharing this privilege to others.

    I do need to donate more to charity though.

