Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Longread #175 -- Bad to the Bone -- 10/17/12

Yesterday's post was a brief political interlude, but today we go back to articles relating to the medical field. After some discussion of clinical trials and cancer research last week, today's longread addresses off-label use of drugs and medical devices. It examines the dangers that can occur when corporate greed takes hold in an environment of weak regulation. Sadly, these stories are all-too-common, yet we rarely see comprehensive steps to address them (for example, clearer and tougher laws, stronger penalties for violators, and more budgetary support for regulators).

"Bad to the bone: A medical horror story" by Mina Kimes
Published in Forbes, September 18, 2012


1 comment:

  1. This is incredibly disturbing. After reading about the cancer trials, I started thinking that maybe the regulations were too tight. Thanks for sharing this article to be reminded of the dark side to not following rules and trials.
