For years writers have decried the social ramifications of the War on Drugs ranging from mass incarceration to disproportionate policing to demonization of low-level drug users. Today's longread looks at another painful effect -- a massive expansion of mostly-unregulated use of confidential informants (CIs). Many CIs are young, naive, and unaware of their legal rights. As a result, they are at risk of being exploited in ambitious and sometimes reckless police operations. CIs clearly play an important role in helping police build cases, but it also seems obvious that there is a compelling need for improved practices in how CIs are utilized.
"The Throwaways" by Sarah Stillman
Published in the New Yorker, September 3, 2012
I didn't realize the war on drugs could get any dumber. The statement that Rachel's law would be "the end of law enforcement" seems quite ridiculous. Talk about exploitation.