Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Longread #388 -- Breakfast and Weight -- 9/24/13

My sincere apologies, dear readers, for the inconsistent posting of late. On Friday, I was out of the office taking part in a conference and did not post that there would be no longread. Yesterday, I just got distracted thinking about sports and forgot about posting a longread.

To be honest, I'm starting to lose the focus I need to maintain the blog. I'm also having problems with the programs that I use for reading longform articles, and that's certainly not helping. 

I keep a folder with articles for posting on the blog, but sometimes articles sit there for awhile before getting posted. As a result, I feel as though my write-ups or introductions are less specific or tailored even though I still think these are articles worth reading. Because of this, I'm going to just post links without much or any introduction. Hopefully after I've cleaned out the folder, I'll have my technical issues resolved and will be back to the more usual style. Thank you for your understanding (all 3 of you...).

Published in the New York Times Well Blog, September 10, 2013



  1. I for one have been appalled by the minor disruption of this free service. I hope heads are rolling over there at HQ.

  2. I for two will not accept this shoddy service nor will i be understanding. I think all the studies seem incomplete. How many other variables are unaccounted for, the most obvious being workout habits. What about the Hawthorne effect where people being studied tend to react to that and change habits to "meet" the requirement. Seems like much ado about nothing. I enjoy food and will continue to eat breakfast. I'd also be way to hungry without i.

  3. I would like to hear from mr. longread himself since he has been skipping breakfast for a while now...
